1. Construction phase
- roadmap graph G = (V, E) is buile : serves as a skeleton for the corridors
- in each path point, associate the radius R of the largest empty ball
- radius R : clearance information and graph are now used to define the corridor map
- Corridor Map : is a graph with clearnce information, each edge encodes a local path with the radii R for the corresponding largest empty balls in the environment.
2. Query phase
- extract the backbone path from grahp, by running Dijkstra's shortest path algorithm.
1. Path
2. Corridor Map (Path + Radii)
3. BackBone Path (Graph 에서 찾은 시작점/종점 연결 최소 경로), B(t)
4. Corridor : is defined as the union of the set of balls (with radii and center points lie along its backbone path)
5. Attraction Point :
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