- 포인트
- 탐색 및 스택을 사용할 수 있나?
- 연산 측면에서 더 효율적인 코드를 짤 여지가 있음
#include <stdio.h>
#include <memory.h>
// 포인트
// 탐색 및 스택을 사용할 수 있나?
typedef signed long int int32_t;
void FindCanGoRegion(int32_t s32NumOfRow, int32_t s32NumOfColumn,
int32_t s32RowIdx, int32_t s32ColumnIdx, int32_t(*pars32Ground)[50]);
int main()
int32_t s32TestCase = 0;
int32_t ars32NumOfRow[10] = { 0 }, ars32NumOfColumn[10] = { 0 };
int32_t ars32NumOfPlant[10] = { 0 };
int32_t ars32NumOfXpos[2500][10] = { 0 }, ars32NumOfYpos[2500][10] = { 0 };
int32_t ars32Ground[50][50] = { 0 };
int32_t s32NumOfBugs = 0;
scanf_s("%d", &s32TestCase);
for (int32_t s32i = 0; s32i != s32TestCase; ++s32i)
scanf_s("%d", &ars32NumOfColumn[s32i]);
scanf_s("%d", &ars32NumOfRow[s32i]);
scanf_s("%d", &ars32NumOfPlant[s32i]);
for (int32_t s32j = 0; s32j != ars32NumOfPlant[s32i]; ++s32j)
scanf_s("%d", &ars32NumOfYpos[s32j][s32i]);
scanf_s("%d", &ars32NumOfXpos[s32j][s32i]);
for (int32_t s32TestCaseIdx = 0; s32TestCaseIdx != s32TestCase; ++s32TestCaseIdx)
s32NumOfBugs = 0;
memset(ars32Ground, 0, sizeof(int32_t) * 50 * 50);
for (int32_t s32j = 0; s32j != ars32NumOfPlant[s32TestCaseIdx]; ++s32j)
ars32Ground[ars32NumOfXpos[s32j][s32TestCaseIdx]][ars32NumOfYpos[s32j][s32TestCaseIdx]] = 1;
for (int32_t s32RowIdx = 0; s32RowIdx != ars32NumOfRow[s32TestCaseIdx]; ++s32RowIdx)
for (int32_t s32ColumnIdx = 0; s32ColumnIdx != ars32NumOfColumn[s32TestCaseIdx]; ++s32ColumnIdx)
if (ars32Ground[s32RowIdx][s32ColumnIdx] == 1)
FindCanGoRegion(ars32NumOfRow[s32TestCaseIdx], ars32NumOfColumn[s32TestCaseIdx],
s32RowIdx, s32ColumnIdx, ars32Ground);
// Do Nothing
printf("%d \n", s32NumOfBugs);
return 0;
void FindCanGoRegion(int32_t s32NumOfRow, int32_t s32NumOfColumn,
int32_t s32RowIdx, int32_t s32ColumnIdx, int32_t(*pars32Ground)[50])
int32_t ars32CandidateXpos[2500] = { 0 };
int32_t ars32CandidateYpos[2500] = { 0 };
int32_t s32NumOfCandidates = 0;
int32_t s32Initialize = 0;
pars32Ground[s32RowIdx][s32ColumnIdx] = 2;
while (s32Initialize == 0 || s32NumOfCandidates != 0)
s32Initialize = 1;
if (((s32RowIdx + 1) < s32NumOfRow)
&& (pars32Ground[s32RowIdx + 1][s32ColumnIdx] == 1))
pars32Ground[s32RowIdx + 1][s32ColumnIdx] = 2;
ars32CandidateXpos[s32NumOfCandidates] = s32RowIdx + 1;
ars32CandidateYpos[s32NumOfCandidates] = s32ColumnIdx;
// Do Nothing
if (((s32RowIdx - 1) > (-1))
&& (pars32Ground[s32RowIdx - 1][s32ColumnIdx] == 1))
pars32Ground[s32RowIdx - 1][s32ColumnIdx] = 2;
ars32CandidateXpos[s32NumOfCandidates] = s32RowIdx - 1;
ars32CandidateYpos[s32NumOfCandidates] = s32ColumnIdx;
// Do Nothing
if (((s32ColumnIdx + 1) < s32NumOfColumn)
&& (pars32Ground[s32RowIdx][s32ColumnIdx + 1] == 1))
pars32Ground[s32RowIdx][s32ColumnIdx + 1] = 2;
ars32CandidateXpos[s32NumOfCandidates] = s32RowIdx;
ars32CandidateYpos[s32NumOfCandidates] = s32ColumnIdx + 1;
// Do Nothing
if (((s32ColumnIdx - 1) > (-1))
&& (pars32Ground[s32RowIdx][s32ColumnIdx - 1] == 1))
pars32Ground[s32RowIdx][s32ColumnIdx - 1] = 2;
ars32CandidateXpos[s32NumOfCandidates] = s32RowIdx;
ars32CandidateYpos[s32NumOfCandidates] = s32ColumnIdx - 1;
// Do Nothing
if (s32NumOfCandidates > 0)
s32RowIdx = ars32CandidateXpos[s32NumOfCandidates - 1];
s32ColumnIdx = ars32CandidateYpos[s32NumOfCandidates - 1];
ars32CandidateXpos[s32NumOfCandidates - 1] = 0;
ars32CandidateYpos[s32NumOfCandidates - 1] = 0;
s32Initialize = 0;
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